Capelle aan den IJssel, the Netherlands, 22 June 2022 – GeoJunxion developed a detailed custom last mile navigable map for CHIO Rotterdam 2022, the only Dutch equestrian 5 stars outdoor event, with 73 years of bright history.
CHIO Rotterdam June 22 – 26, 2022
CHIO Rotterdam is the only Dutch equestrian 5* outdoor event and belongs to the very best international events in the world. With a 73 years history in top level showjumping and dressage CHIO Rotterdam is also the eldest international top sports event in Rotterdam.
For business the CHIO usually is THE place to be. Many prominent politicians and top executives visit the event every year. Together with the KLM Open and the ABN AMRO World Tennis Tournament the CHIO belongs to the top 3 of Dutch hospitality events in the Netherlands.
For the 73rd edition of CHIO Rotterdam, GeoJunxion B.V. has developed a custom Outdoor Venue Plan: a last mile map with all the details requested from the official CHIO Organization.
In case of similar sport and hospitality events, an urban area can be entirely modified. Local authorities may impose temporary traffic restrictions, closing certain roads and deviating the flow of vehicles on different routes. New temporary infrastructures can be built, such as tribunes, pedestrian passages delimited from fences, hospitality areas, tents with attractions, shops, chemical toilets and many other services. Public transports can increase the frequency of their lines and temporary taxi, kiss & ride or park & ride areas can be activated for ensuring the access to the event.
GeoJunxion’s Outdoor Venue Plan are custom, fully navigable web maps, making the experience of the visitors, expositors, athletes and professionals working on the event, more user-friendly and stress-free.
CHIO Rotterdam 2022 Outdoor Venue Plan – developed by GeoJunxion B.V. – Sponsored by Indofin Group
The CHIO Rotterdam 2022 OVP is a custom, fully navigable last mile map of the CHIO Foundation area, where GeoJunxion B.V. was asked to encode, geolocate and highlight the following facilities, infrastructures and services:
•Main Entrance
•Ticket Office
•Ticket Check-in
•Tribunes with related accesses
•Tribunes units for VIP and Sponsors
•Toilets and accessible services
•Restaurant and Bar areas
•Taxi, K&R, P&R and Shuttle Bus areas
•Pathways and fences
•First aid and emergency places
•DJ Area
•Public Transports with time table
The CHIO Rotterdam OVP can be explored on PC or navigated interactively on any Android, iOS or Windows based mobile device.
With the “Search and Navigate” function any user can identify his destination within the event area and being quickly and easily routed from his current position to the final place.
More info at user’s fingertip

For certain categories of geolocated objects (icons and logos), CHIO Rotterdam requested to have not only the position of the services but also additional information:
•Clicking on each shop icon, the user is readdressed to the official website of the specific expositor
•Clicking on the CHIO logo, the user is readdressed to the CHIO official program of the event
•Clicking on the Public Transports icons, the user gets information about the public lane and the time of the next bus, tram or metro
•Clicking on the logos of the sponsors, the user can be readdressed to the websites of those companies.
“Search and Navigate” function:

For most of the categories of geolocated features and services, GeoJunxion built a “Search and Navigate” solution.
From the GPS position of the mobile device of the user, “Search and Navigate” enables the possibility to identify a final destination from a list of locations.
Clicking on the category of the location, opens up a list of specific locations. For instance, clicking on Grandstand, 5 options are enabled:
•Nearest place of Grandstand
•Grandstand Tribune A
•Grandstand Tribune B
•Grandstand Tribune C
•Grandstand Tribune D
Selecting one of the final destinations, a route is automatically highlighted on the screen to help the visitor finding the right path to the searched place, optimizing his time to enjoy the event, stress-free.
The distance (in meters) from the GPS position to the destination is shown on the top left of the screen.
Explore CHIO Map on PC at this link:
OR Navigate CHIO Map on your mobile device, scanning the following QR Code: