GeoJunxion exhibits and visits various events around the world. Visit the Events Page to know at what events GeoJunxion will be exhibiting.

Steer clear of unnecessary fines with GeoJunxion's Eco Alert Zones - On Demand Webinar
Join Francesco Altamura, CBO and Brittany Beagle, Head of Operations to discover how our map editors are constantly working behind the scenes on new daily routing and regulation updates to ensure that road users (light passenger vehicles and heavy vehicles) can easily identify whether or not their vehicle is compliant and avoid being accidentally caught out by fines.

GeoJunxion’s tailor-made interactive map for the perfect outdoor experience - On Demand Webinar
Learn how our Outdoor Venue Plan (OVP) can greatly enhance customer experience as users can establish their current location, get directions to the various services or amenities across your site both on a personal computer and on the move via their connected mobile devices. No more paper maps needed!

How to improve driver’s safety by providing alerts to potential risks- On Demand Webinar
Learn how Safety Alert Zones can help to reduce casualties and accidents, support usage based insurance premiums / analytics and improve fleet and tour management by avoiding routes with dangerous intersections.

Making our World safer and healthier with GeoAlertsLive App- On Demand Webinar
Discover why the GeoAlertsLive App is your perfect travel companion in unfamiliar cities and areas. With information updated on a daily basis in the palm of your hand, you can be prepared and avoid paying unnecessary fines when entering a Low Emission Zone or Limited Traffic Area zone without the correct badge.

Always up to date on LEZ regulations for Heavy Vehicles with Eco Alert Zones - On Demand Webinar
Watch this recording and slide presentation to learn more about the various restrictions which vary from country to country and depend on emission and type of vehicles amongst many others.

How to save costs and maximize your budget with more accurate ZIP+4 codes - On Demand Webinar
Watch the recording and slide presentation from Thierry Jaccoud, our CEO and Julia Ruiter, our Data Analyst and find out how to better hone in on your existing and prospective customers with our latest and most accurate ZIP+4 codes.

Location Intelligence Services - On Demand Webinar
Watch the recording and slide presentation from our CEO Thierry Jaccoud and Sr Research Analyst Brittany Beagle to find out how we can help you get the missing pieces of puzzle to enhance your maps or other location-aware content.

Eco Alert Zones - On Demand Webinar
Watch the recording and slide presentation from our CEO Thierry Jaccoud and Sr Data Analyst Brittany Beagle highlighting the benefits of our new Eco Alert Zones.